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Root King - Lecithin Benefits

  Cardiovascular benefits

  As a tool for heart health, lecithin also works to prevent damages that may arise from coronary artery disease. Preventing cholesterol and other fats from sticking is a vital function for the overall health of anyone with a tendency to suffer from heart disease and other cardiovascular afflictions. The lubrication provided by lecithin creates a slippery lining on which it is difficult for large, fatty deposits to cling on. When large deposits of fat cannot cling on to specific regions of the body, they are transported to the liver where they are metabolized and converted to energy. Improved circulation seen because of lecithin supplementation helps to prevent blood clots and maintain the health of the liver through which excess fats and energy-providing substances will pass. Soy lecithin is also known for lowering levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Additionally, soy lecithin is said to increase HDL, otherwise known as good cholesterol, and to provide added benefits to patients already on a medication for treating high cholesterol. There are several additional uses for lecithin, though most of the benefits falls in line with the nervous and circulatory systems.

  Protects cells

  Lecithin is a necessary for every cell in the human body. Considered a keystone in the construction of cells, lecithin prevents the hardening of cell membranes. Healthy cells lead to a healthier body, and the membranes are a critical part in monitoring a cell's intake and output. Protecting cells is integral in maintaining a body's resistance to many diseases that attack damaged cells. Phospholipids such as lecithin are produced in certain amounts throughout the major organs of the body but can be supplemented to further enhance unrealized benefits.

  Helps repair liver and protects arteries

  In addition to the cardiovascular benefits of lecithin, there are indications that lecithin helps to restore livers that have been damaged as well as working with neurological functions such as memory to improve the brain's effectiveness. Since lecithin is essentially composed of fat, it can act as a protective wall or sheath throughout the body to protect and strengthen membranes and prevent detrimental debris from sticking. Internal parts and mechanisms that may be affected negatively by hardening, such as arteries, are kept malleable by lecithin in a natural way through supplementation. Patients suffering from atherosclerosis often start a regimen of lecithin to reverse the condition's effects.

  Aids memory

  Lecithin has shown, in addition to the heart, circulatory and metabolic benefits, it tends to aid the brain in memory and learning. Studies conducted on the effects of lecithin on the brain lean towards a conclusion that users of the supplement are likely to experience increased memory and ability to recall specific information. The benefits of lecithin on the brain are promising to patients who may be suffering from Alzheimer's disease or other memory-specific neurological conditions. Improved memory and recall is a sign of a brain's overall standard of health, and may imply benefits that extend to orientation and cognitive thought processes.


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Root King – nature gives you the most natural care!

Root King believes in natures’ best and providing everyone a natural healthy life. Together with health experts and herbal producers, we explore the herbaceous and select precious herbs from all over the world to make daily health products. We use ingredient process by advanced extraction technology to obtain the active components of the herbs while retaining its natural essence than traditional method. The process helps filter out toxins so it is free from impurities and harmful components found in the raw herbs, making it safe for daily consume. The extracted ingredients are also water soluble and easily absorb into the body.

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